Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Recreational Tennis and Having "Fun"

When we play tennis for recreation, we tell ourselves that we are playing for exercise and "fun".  But if your tennis buddies are like mine, sometimes they can be a little too competitive for their own good.

Now I believe that if we are playing for league practice or for an upcoming tournament, I can see being serious and really trying to focus on being competitive.  But when I am out on the courts truly for recreation and fun, I expect to have some laughs and truly enjoy myself.

I hope you have had the pleasure of playing with friends and really hitting a "buffo ball" and having a great belly laugh on the court.  There is simply nothing like it!  For me, when playing with my tennis girls, we know that having a great time and relaxing during the game is great preparation for future competition.

According to Tennis Daily News, there are 8 great tennis relaxation techniques, and number 4 is "Think positively", always a great technique for tennis!

Another way to stay relax and stay confident on the court is to be aware of the score which can be a challenge if the point is long.  Thankfully Score At Hand the tennis racquet score keeper can help you with the tennis score, especially when you are in a competitive match and do not want to make a mistake.

Good luck in your future matches, and I hope you have some tennis where you can really relax and have fun.